Thursday, November 5, 2009

Increased Cervix Mucus Before Period When Your Cervix Closes?

When your cervix closes? - increased cervix mucus before period

I'm sorry, would again, I increase my chances for an answer:)

Hello dear! I have some questions, I hope to help you!
First, I had some time in December (my last period 1 November) for the next period is in about 3 days by ... I took a pregnancy test to about 12 days or less, it was a BFN. To avoid a pregnancy. But today, some strange things happen, so I need your perspective.

1). My breasts always been 5 days before AF injured. It did not hurt last month, it does not hurt at this time (AF, but is available in 3 days?)
2) I've got a cold tip, which is unusual, and I was very tired ... (I chalk the winter, but here is 50 degrees!)
3rd) I have a few days ago, my ugly blue vein in my heart I do not want to touch, broccoli, coffee, or .. my favorite candy in the world .. Reese PB cups!
4.) Today, my husband and I had sex. I stood for a moment of laziness, and I mean .. Perhaps 20 minutes was followed? After TMI Alert ..* * When I click on a large portion of theirSperm left. I have never seen so many sperm in my life! I love between my legs up past her knees to the ankles flooded (no, I'm not exaggerating) Se ... good, bad for me! I went into the bathroom and never left .. Then I had to take a shower. Never Is a fact that, for me, and I think, because most of it goes where it should ...
5.) My nipples are a little darker, and is really fat and gross looking at me. My husband just said, "So?" I've never seen before! "
So either I'm really pregnant or have a very strange thing hormonal going!

My question is, if you are pregnant, the cervix is closed and forms a ball of mucus .. And if it is closed, all back by the overflow of the semen, where? Am I crazy?

1 comment:

  1. daisy's mommy 060409November 9, 2009 at 11:15 AM


    So it may well be pregnant. It is quite normal sperm all the good that comes close to this after sex, when the cervix all the time. It was really go anyway pregnant or not. May never noticed any other time, since most women to urinate after intercourse, and had then left, without realizing it.

    Anyway, I think it's much too early to test. You can identify a test that is intended to be, if you are pregnant or not, now that its mandate is to arrive in 3 days, or you can wait 3 or 4 days and wait until then. But I would say that certainly could be pregnant. Something similar happened to me, will my breasts still hurt a week before my time, but it never happened. So the next thing I did a test and it was pos! My nipples do not obscure til weeks later, but the body of every woman is different.

    Good luck !!!!!
