Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wall Puzzles How To Hang My Puzzle On The Wall?

How to hang my puzzle on the wall? - wall puzzles

I will show a puzzle without a frame. The puzzle was glued and backed with a layer of semi-solid substance. I would hang on my wall, but I'm not sure.
I have the dry wall.
I can no pens, because they want to damage the puzzles, and show rug in the table behind the puzzle for me to pensioners.
I tried different types of sealing tape. Most found it difficult to remain on the fabric of the carpet.


  1. Glue a thin dowel rod on top and tie a rope from one end to another ..

  2. Bob has a good idea. In addition, you can always picture.

    I have pasted a puzzle to my desk in a piece of glass.

  3. A pair of metal curtain rings with a little help at the top - one in each corner and then the picture hooks
